Biddenham Show 2024
Biddenham Show 2024

Gates Open 12 noon

St James’ VA Primary School & The Village Hall, Main Road, Biddenham

*** Cancellation Notice ***

*** In the interests of dog welfare, due to the unusually

hot weather the Fun Dog Show has had to be cancelled ***

*** Our sincerest apologies ***

After last year’s success we look forward to bringing you an even better show in the year of the Coronation.

Any surplus from The Show goes to local schools & organisations.

The Biddenham Show is held every year for the benefit of the Village. It retains the charm of a traditional village show, combining classes to enter, stalls, entertainment, food and drink. There is something for everyone, old and young!

Children’s Fancy Dress • Circus Skills Workshop • Human Fruit Machine • Bottle Stall • Fun Dog Show• Bouncy Castle • Tennis Skills • Hot Food Stalls • Candy Floss & Ice Cream • Beer, Cider and Pimms Tent • Teas and Cakes (Village Hall) • Music DJ • Raffle • A variety of Craft and Gift Stalls


Competition Entries displayed in the Show Marquee & Village Hall with specific classes for those aged 16 and under.

Art & Craft • Photography • Kitchen classes (baking & preserves) • Gardening (flowers & produce)